
A greater good.

This website is not affiliated with The Reid Park Zoo, The Reid Park Zoological Society, or The City of
Tucson Parks and Recreation. The opinions expressed herein are those of individual Tucsonans and are
not endorsed by any of the organizations above.

The Reid Park Zoo’s mission is to “create inspiring memories for all by connecting people and animals to ensure the protection of wild animals and wild places.”  It’s a crucial mission, one the Zoo fulfills every day. Now the Reid Park Zoo is poised to do an even greater good for Tucson, for wild animals, and for wild places.

The citizens of Tucson demonstrated their love and support for the Zoo in 2017 by passing Propositions 202 and 203.  That support means all of us now have the opportunity to be amazed by, and protect , even more species through the Reid Park Zoo’s Pathway to Asia expansion.

This website has a mission, too.  We love the Zoo, and are reaching out to:

  • Provide information about The Reid Park Zoo’s Pathway to Asia expansion and why we support it
  • Celebrate the species at the Reid Park Zoo, including those planned for the expansion
  • Let you in on the many ways The Reid Park Zoo now supports conservation AND how they’ll be able to do even more through the Pathway to Asia expansion.
  • Discuss the critical role of zoos in wildlife conservation, including efforts to mitigate climate change
  • Highlight the community access programs of the Reid Park Zoo

The Good They Do

The Reid Park Zoo was born in midtown Tucson in the mid-1960’s – starting small as an exhibit of Prairie Dogs and a few types of birds. With the support of the community, the Zoo has been able to grow mindfully and beautifully, becoming a favorite destination for Tucsonans and countless out-of-town visitors every year.  Many of us long-time Tucsonans have a lifetime of positive Reid Park Zoo memories, spanning multiple generations of our families.  

More than half a million people visited Reid Park Zoo in 2019. Best of all, about 30,000 of those were schoolchildren (with their parents and teachers) on field trips, all welcomed to the Zoo at no cost.  Each of those children, and everyone else who’s visited the Zoo, will connect with a favorite animal. They’re sure to witness funny, surprising, or awe-inspiring animal behaviors as well. And every visit will increase their understanding of these animals and their place, and ours, in the modern world.  

Go to the Reid Park Zoo to wander along shaded paths and marvel at nature. Connect with your friends and family in a beautiful environment and create lifelong memories. Learn to love the animals. The Reid Park Zoo may be relatively small, but even so is fully accredited and an important partner to several worldwide conservation efforts.

The Zoo works hard every day to preserve the natural world and its creatures by winning the hearts and minds of every visitor – and the animals themselves are more than up to the challenge!  The staff and volunteers can tell you what you can do to help.  You’ll be surprised at the good you can do by making even small, easy changes in your daily life.   

The Reid Park Zoo’s Pathway to Asia expansion and its additional species will bring an even greater good. It will create an opportunity for the Zoo to do even more for the Tucson community and the world. If you are interested in learning more, please take a look around our website to find out what the Zoo can do for you!

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Spotlight: Goats!

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Event Spotlight: DreamNight

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Mini Spotlight: Southern Tamandua

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